
Quantum Dots: New Perspectives in Fluorescence Technology

MoBiTec GmbH is now distributing the complete life science product range of the US based company Evident Technologies in Europe. Evident Technologies is a leading supplier of the new quantum dots technology developing and producing these fluorescing nanocrystals also for biological applications.
Evident Technologies' quantum dots (EviDots™) are semiconductory nanocrystals ranging in size from 2-30 nm with unique physical properties. They are unparalleled in versatility and flexible in form. By changing size or composition of the EviDots™, their optical properties can be simply and optionally varied. Unlike other known fluorophores, EviDots™ emitting light of many different wavelenghts while being simultaneously excited using a single excitation wavelength. They have very narrow, symmetric emission spectra and show superior brightness and photostability. The emission wavelengths of EviDots™ range from 465-2300 nm.
Due to a patented surface treatment a variety of interface molecules (e.g. amine- or carboxyl groups) can be attached. These modified nanocrystals (EviTags™) are stable in water, buffers and organic solvents and optimally suited as fluorescent labels - e.g. for proteins or antibodies - or as FRET donors. Their unique fluorescence properties make EviTags™ an ideal alternative to well-established fluorophores allowing precise and sensitive cell biological applications with multiple, highly intensive and long-lasting fluorescence.
By including the EviTags™ product line, MoBiTec is significantly extending its wide range of fluorescence probes for molecular and cell biological research. In addition to its own fluorescence products (e.g. MFP-labeled secondary antibodies, protein & antibody labeling kits, cell staining & counting kits), MoBiTec distributes numerous fluorescence dyes, conjugates, FISH probes and kits from companies such as Molecular Probes, Mirus, AnaSpec, Teflabs and Cytocell.
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MoBiTec GmbH

Lotzestr. 22A
37083 Göttingen

Phone: +49 (0)551/70722-0
Fax: +49 (0)551/70722-22