04/17/2012 • Analytics • Laboratory appliances

Integrated Capillary High Pressure Ion Chromatography System ICS-4000 with Charge Detection (QD)

The Thermo Scientific Dionex ICS-4000 capillary HPIC system is the world's first integrated capillary high pressure ion chromatography system. With 4 µm particle-size columns, it offers unmatched speed and resolution. It is a Reagent-FreeTM IC system, which uses water to generate high purity eluents. In addition capillary RFICTM offers 24/7 operation consuming only 5.25 L per year. The ICS-4000 integrates suppressed conductivity (CD), electrochemical and charge detectors (QD), maximizing the information obtained in a single run. The QD is a new detector which offers enhanced sensitivity and linearity for weakly dissociated ions e.g., organic acids and amines. In combination with CD, the QD offers peak purity information and identification.

Category A: Analytical Instrumentation and Software

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--> Thermo Fisher Scientific / Dionex, hall B2, booth 440
--> GIT VERLAG, hall A2, booth 308/310


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