04/17/2012 • Analytics • Laboratory appliances • Microscopy / Imaging

VisiSens by Presens: Measuring and Visualizing Oxygen Distributions

VisiSens: we are happy to announce that this product is nominated for the G.I.T. InnovationsAward 2012 in the category B - Biotechnology and Life Sciences.
VisiSens visualizes oxygen distribution in liquids, cell cultures and living samples with microscopic resolution. The realization of a non-invasive, potential-free and contactless measurement based on fluorescence optical sensor technology is a new approach. A fluorescent film covers the sample and is read-out two dimensionally.
The software controls the image recording process and visualizes the results. A single image contains the information of a multitude of individual sensing points. The budget-friendly system can easily and promptly be handled by everybody and is mainly used for mapping metabolic activities.

Category B: Biotechnology and Life Sciences

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If you think this is an excellent, innovative product, then vote here for the VisiSens!

--> Presens, hall A3, booth 222
--> GIT VERLAG, hall A2, booth 308/310


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