08/29/2006 • Security, Video Security, Video Surveillance

Designed to combat ATM crime

ATM machines operate a service of convenience, which is taken for granted by most of the general public, however these cash points are open to abuse by the criminal underworld. Popular crimes include; card skimming, shoulder surfing, and plain straight forward theft.

To help the financial sector combat ATM crime, and the fraudulent use of debit/credit cards Dedicated Micros designed the DV-IP ATM. The unit is specifically sized for installation within the confined conditions of an ATM machine. DV-IP ATM processes transaction data which is then recorded with the video footage. Post event analysis via the built in text search engine provides video imagery of the ATM user plus transaction information. This will then allow the branch customer services team to quickly resolve any genuine customer withdrawal disputes. Spot monitor support provides a visual deterrent which helps to assure customers and staff of a safe and secure cash withdrawal facility.


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Dedicated Micros Deutschland GmbH

Hamtorstr. 9
41460 Neuss

Phone: +49 (0)2131/71886-30
Fax: +49 (0)2131/71886-50