25.11.2008 • Analytik


Genetix high-throughput, multiplexed fluorescent imager rapidly assesses cell health through optimised assays such as viability and cytotoxicity facilitating a fail-early approach to compound screening, rapidly identifying compounds with adverse biological effects. The system combines true brightfield imaging with up to six fluorescent wavelengths to image microwell plates at 4, 10 and 20X magnification. The early elimination of detrimental compounds means that only the compounds with desired biological activity progress through the drug discovery process. CellReporter occupies the niche upstream of truly high-content, technically-demanding systems. Minimising the storage problems of the vast data output of such systems, CellReporter rapidly eliminates the aberrant compounds, only hit-to-lead compounds are taken forward.

CellReporter, combining the speed of a plate-reader with microscope-quality imaging. This easy-to-use system facilitates a fail-early approach to compound screening.

Toxicity studies are an essential component of progressing compounds through the drug discovery process. Molecules must be screened for non-specific, adverse biological properties like cytotoxicity. As a significant number of compounds fail during ADMETox, it is important to have an effective early indication of any compounds exhibiting cytotoxic effects.Astral Assays, a suite of optimised kits utilise the high sensitivity of CellReporter, are designed to reduce the costs of toxicity screening.

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