
Phytochemical Reference Standards

To assist analysts involved in identifying the authenticity of a plant or part of a plant LGC Promochem has announced a new range of phytochemical reference standards, manufactured by ChromaDex. Active phytochemical substances are often rare or difficult to extract, which makes them expensive. Because they are also mainly used in small quantities, the manufacturer sought to develop a system for delivering standards more economically to a wider group of users and for this it turned to Cerilliant, a company with 20 years' experience in the production of chemical reference materials, and the founder of the Snap-n-Shoot system of standards delivery. The collaboration has led to the production of a range of ampoules of 0.1mg/mL phytochemical reference standards in solution, offering reduced preparation time and increased testing consistency.
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LGC Standards GmbH

Mercatorstr. 51
46485 Wesel

Tel: +49 (0)281/9887 153
Fax: +49 (0)281/9887-199

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